MORRIS COUNTY — The arts are alive in Morris County! County College of Morris (CCM) hosted the 39th annual Morris County Teen Arts Festival on Friday, May 17. Over 1,500 students and a staff of 40 professional artists participated in performances, critiquing seminars and workshops in every discipline. The festival disciplines included art, dance, design, drama, graphic design, music, music recording, musical theater, photography, video and writing.
The focus of the Teen Arts Festival is not on competition but on celebration. The goals of the activities is to help students: develop perceptual, intellectual, social and technical skills; gain cultural awareness and understanding; develop personal cultural and aesthetic values; and learn self-discipline, critical thinking and problem solving through analyzing, interpreting and making assessments.
Funding of the event was made possible in part by grands from Morris Arts through the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, Department of State, Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts, a gift from the Mayo Performing Arts Center and further support was made possible due to a generous contribution from Home Depot.