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Statement From Senator Joe Pennacchio

Senator Joseph Pennacchio. File Photo

MORRIS COUNTY — President Trump has shown true leadership in his approach to allow an “off label” approach in the use of drugs for the treatment of COVID-19.  In particular, Hydroxy chloriquine (HCQ) which has a seventy-year record of being safe and effective in the treatment of malaria.  It has evolved also into a therapeutic agent for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.  Likewise, aspirin evolved from being an analgesic to being used in the treatment of heart disease by thinning a patient’s blood and preventing clots. The point is drugs and their uses evolve.  A peer review study done in France by world famous infectious disease specialist, Dr. Didier Raoult, and published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial agents showed very promising results in treating and reducing the duration of COVID-19 with HCQ. Click here.

Dr. William Grace a top oncologist at Lenox Hill Hospital concurs with the findings, saying the positive therapeutic results of these findings would be 1 in 10,000 of it happening by chance. Click here.

Patients worldwide are being treated with HCQ and combinations of HCQ and other drugs such as Azithromycin and zinc. Countries such as Great Britain are recognizing the importance of HCQ and have banned its export. Click here.

Damping President Trump’s comments was Dr. Anthony Fauci the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).  He alluded to Dr. Raoult’s work calling in “anecdotal.” I understand and respect Dr. Fauci’s work in the public health field but also remind the public that most of science as we know it today begins with anecdotal and theoretical ideas. What is important here is that HCQ has a long and safe history. Dr. Fauci’s call for a large double-blind placebo study to evaluate the efficacy of HCQ in the treatment of COVID-19 is correct but not at the expense of dismissing HCQ efficacy as anecdotal. Concurrent with Dr. Fauci’s “study” should be a gathering and sharing of all patient information worldwide when they have been treated with HCQ as a therapeutic agent.

Federal and State agencies should prepare themselves for real time evaluation of HCQ and have in place a protocol for its manufacturing and distribution. President Trump has taken advice from a host of doctors, epidemiologists, scientists and public health officials. Dr. Fauci and others may choose to dampen and disagree with the President’s approach while other advisors seemingly have not.

Finally, the President’s comments and leadership have to be judged in the totality of this country’s experience with this pestilence.  As such he should be applauded for his guidance, leadership and for above all offering the American people “hope.”

New Jersey Launches New COVID-19 Website 


NEW JERSEY — Governor Phil Murphy announced the launch of the New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub, a new, visitor-friendly website available by clicking here. The New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub provides New Jerseyans with the most up-to-date information about COVID-19 and the State’s response, including information about services such as food assistance and small business assistance.

“We want to make it easier for New Jersey residents to access the critical resources they need as the State responds to COVID-19,” said Governor Phil Murphy. “This innovative new site, equipped with expert knowledge and vital information, is an essential resource for New Jerseyans during this time.”

The New Jersey Office of Innovation, the New Jersey Department of Health, the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development, and other state agencies have partnered with Yext, which has volunteered its time and resources to help build the website, and the Federation of American Scientists’ “Ask a Scientist” project, which sources hundreds of scientific experts to address general questions about COVID-19.

This user-friendly website allows the public to find information by topic, such as COVID-19 illness, employment benefits, education resources, and much more,” said New Jersey Department of Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli. “This website reflects the whole-of government response that Governor Murphy is leading.”

“The site is fully searchable, and allows the public to submit their questions about COVID-19 and get a reliable response,” said Beth Simone Noveck, the State of New Jersey’s Chief Innovation Officer. “At a time when access to accurate and fast-changing information is of utmost importance, we’re pleased to provide this service to the people of New Jersey.”

The New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub includes a COVID-19 Symptom Checker, so New Jerseyans can receive tailored advice depending on their symptoms, including information about testing. It will also increase the State’s ability to analyze the spread of COVID-19.

The New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub is accessible via mobile phone and for those with disabilities. All the content is easily searchable via Google and other search engines so the information can be found widely and consistently.

Visit the New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub by clicking here.

Murphy Orders Residents to Stay Home, Closes Non-essential Businesses in Lockdown to Fight Coronavirus

Governor Phil Murphy

NEW JERSEY — Governor Phil Murphy announced on Saturday, effective 9:00 p.m., he’s putting New Jersey into a virtual lockdown to combat the spread of coronavirus. 

He ordered New Jerseyans to stay at home except for necessary trips and mandating all non-essential businesses closed until further notice.

Murphy stated New Jersey now has 1,327 confirmed cases of the virus that has infected hundreds of thousands across the globe. There have now been 16 deaths from the virus in New Jersey.

Businesses allowed to open include grocery stores, food banks, pharmacies, gas stations, auto mechanics and repair services, medical marijuana dispensaries, convenience stores, banks, hardware and home improvement stores, laundromats, dry cleaners, printing and office supply shops, pet stores, stores that sell supplies for young children, and mail and delivering shops.

Restaurants, bars and liquor stores that provide takeout can remain open. Construction sites can remain open.

The governor noted media, law enforcement, and federal officials who need to travel are exempt.

Walmart is Hiring 150,000 New Associates


MORRIS COUNTY — Walmart has a steady workforce of full-time and part-time workers helping meet the everyday needs of its customers.

As part of responding to the current environment, Walmart is also hiring 150,000 new associates through the end of May to work in stores, clubs, distribution centers and fulfillment centers.

These roles will be temporary at first, but many will convert to permanent roles over time. We’ve reached out to industry groups representing restaurants and hospitality to facilitate temporary roles that can be a bridge for their employees during this difficult time.

Walmart is also implementing a new process to dramatically expedite hiring for key roles, such as cashiers and stockers. What is usually a two-week application cycle will be reduced to a 24-hour process. Anyone interested in applying should do so by clicking here. This initiative is aimed at helping put Americans to work, while helping Walmart better serve customers during this time of increased demand.

“We know millions of Americans who are usually employed at this time are temporarily out of work, and at the same time we’re currently seeing strong demand in our stores,” said McMillon. “We’re looking for people who see Walmart as a chance to earn some extra money and perform a vital service to their community.”

Today’s steps are in addition to last week’s announcement of a new COVID-19 emergency leave policy that provides support to associates if they are impacted by the coronavirus in the following ways: (1) if they are uncomfortable coming to work right now and choose to stay home (2) if they are part of mandated quarantines or (3) if they have a confirmed case of the virus.

Update from Maria Carrell, Superintendent of Schools

Hanover Park School District serves Hanover Park High School and Whippany Park High School

Dear Hanover Park Regional High School District Community,

First and foremost, I would like to thank the administration, faculty, staff, students and parents for your efforts this week in launching our distance learning initiative. We have received feedback from many of you and will continue to monitor and adjust our program as necessary while meeting the needs of all of our students in the most appropriate fashion.

In keeping the health and safety of our staff and students of utmost importance, the Hanover Park Regional High School District will remain closed in accordance with Governor Murphy’s Executive Order 104:

All public, private, and parochial preschool program premises, and elementary and secondary schools, including charter and renaissance schools, shall be closed to students beginning on Wednesday, March 18, and shall remain closed as long as this Order remains in effect.

Distance Learning will continue through Thursday, April 9. Spring break will remain as scheduled from Friday, April 10 through Friday, April 17. The high school facilities will remain closed and all extracurricular/athletic activities will remain canceled until further notice.

The district will continue to monitor this situation and will provide further direction when appropriate.

Thank you for your continued cooperation at this time.

Maria Carrell, Superintendent of Schools

Atlantic Health System Begins Drive-Through COVID-19 Testing


MORRIS COUNTY — Morristown Memorial Hospital, part of Atlantic Health System has launched phase one of a drive through testing site. The test site opened with 33 appointments on Wednesday. There are 80 appointment slots available for Thursday, March 19.

The testing site is only accepting patients who meet the criteria for COVID testing through appointments made by Atlantic Medical Group physicians.

“We have been proactive in planning for the potential increase in volume in our Emergency Department,” said Trish O’Keefe, President, Morristown Medical Center. “As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, we are well-prepared to take all the necessary precautions to continue to best serve our community.”

Atlantic Health is looking to expand access to outpatient testing with all possible speed and began this effort with the opening of a testing location on the property of its corporate headquarters.

Experience gained throughout this initial phase of testing will create a blueprint Atlantic Health will use to broaden this service, said Karen Zatorski, spokesperson for Atlantic Health.

Atlantic Health recommends doing the following if you are sick:

Most people who contract COVID-19 will experience mild symptoms and can self-manage from the comfort of their own homes. The Centers for Disease Control recommends you seek medical advice if you develop symptoms, and have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or if you live in or have recently been in an area with ongoing spread.

Call First Communicate travel history and symptoms before arriving at a doctor’s office or health care facility, enabling the provider to determine the best setting for you to receive care.

Consult Your Doctor From Home If your symptoms aren’t severe, speak with a physician from the safety of your home.

Stay Home, Separate Yourself Restrict activities outside the home and limit contact with other people and animals in your home to limit the spread of the virus.

Rest, Stay Hydrated The CDC recommends getting rest and staying hydrated to help manage your health at home.

Monitor Your Symptoms If your symptoms get worse, seek advice from a medical professional. For medical emergencies, call 911. Notify dispatch personnel if you have symptoms of COVID-19.


Other Tips The CDC also recommends wearing a face mask, covering coughs and sneezes, cleaning hands often, avoiding sharing personal household items, cleaning commonly touched surfaces and more.

Are you concerned you might have Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Call the hotline at Atlantic Health if you or a loved one is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or have had direct contact with someone who has a confirmed case of Novel Coronavirus. Please note that this line cannot provide direction or referrals for COVID-19 testing. Atlantic Health System is following specific CDC guidelines regarding patient testing.

The Nurse Screening Hotline at 1-862-260-3199 is available seven days a week from 7:00am to 7:00pm. A highly-trained Atlantic Health System nurse will answer your call, consult with you, and direct you to the resources you need.

The New Jersey Department of Health has a 24-hour hotline at 1-800-222-1222, where trained health care professionals are standing by to answer questions about COVID-19.

Montville Mayor Frank Cooney tested positive for COVID-19

Montville Mayor Frank Cooney

MORRIS COUNTY — In a press release from Montville Mayor Frank Cooney, he confirmed he tested positive for the Coronavirus.

“Unfortunately, it is my duty to convey to you that I emphasize changing our behavior particularly at this time, because I have become the most recent confirmed case of COVID-19 in our community. Prior to have any confirmation, I quarantine myself to my home out of an abundance of caution for fear of spreading the virus to others. While I am currently experiencing only mild symptoms, I have followed by physician’s and the Montville Health Department’s instructions and will remain in self isolation doe the next 14 days,” said Montville Mayor Frank Cooney.

It is my moral obligation to let anyone know who I might have come into close contact with since Monday, March 16 and the Montville Health Department will be contacting you to provide you with guidance and instructions, and I ask you to be mindfully aware of their own current health status.

During the next 14 days, while I will be quarantined, I will be acting on your behalf, along with the Township Committee by telephone, email, etc.

“It is important to remind everyone that if you think this can’t happen to you, I thought the same thing, because I don’t travel internationally, and I took all the precautionary measures like washing my hands and disinfecting the things I touch and work with frequently, yet I still contracted it,” he said.

Murphy Signs Legislation to Prohibit Employers from Terminating or Refusing to Reinstate an Employee Who Misses Work Due to an Infectious Disease

Governor Phil Murphy

MORRIS COUNTY — Governor Phil Murphy signed legislation (A3848), which prohibits an employer, during the ongoing Public Health Emergency and State of Emergency declared by the Governor in Executive Order 103, from terminating or refusing to reinstate an employee who has, or is likely to have, an infectious disease which requires the employee to miss time at work.

Under the bill, an employee who requests or takes time off from work, based on the recommendation of a medical professional, may not be terminated or refused reinstatement if the employee is likely to infect others in the workplace.

“Our message in New Jersey has been loud and clear: if you’re sick, stay home,” said Governor Murphy. “No one should fear retribution from their employer for an absence deemed necessary by a medical professional, particularly for an illness as communicable as COVID-19. Every New Jerseyan has a role to play in our mitigation efforts and staying away from others when you’re sick is perhaps the most important thing you can do right now.”

“There’s no getting around it. When someone is diagnosed with coronavirus, they will need to be quarantined and off from work for at least 14 days,” said Assemblywoman Lopez. “Unfortunately, some workers will not have enough sick leave or vacation days to cover their full recovery, and may feel at risk of losing their jobs. We would never want an employee to go to work when they’re ill – especially with a communicable disease like the novel coronavirus – and risk the health of themselves and others.”

“These job protections can contribute significantly to limiting the spread of COVID-19,” Assemblywoman Munoz. “We are giving everyone the tools they need to put their health and the health of others first, without fear of losing their jobs.”

“No employee should have to worry about whether or not they will lose their job because they need time off to recover from novel coronavirus,” said Assemblywoman Downey. “At a time of so much unease, we should be able to assure employment protections for all.”

At a moment of tremendous fear and anxiety, nobody should have to choose between their job and their health,” said Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg. “We are calling for strict observance of social distancing and asking people to stay home if they have any signs of illness but we can’t ask that of them unless we also ensure they will have a job to go back to after this crisis passes. I’m heartened to see the Governor take such immediate action on such a crucial aspect of these public health measures necessary to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus outbreak.”

Covid-19:  Drive Thru Testing Center Being Created at CCM


MORRIS COUNTY — In coordination with the State of New Jersey, Morris County has begun the process of creating the infrastructure of a drive-thru coronavirus testing site which will be located in a parking area at the County College of Morris in Randolph.

Residents may already see the presence of tents that are being erected at the site, which is expected to serve only persons who have prescriptions for testing from their medical providers when it opens.

The Morris County Office of Emergency Management and Office of Health Management are creating the drive-thru center in partnership with Atlantic Health System. Other partners in this venture are CCM, Morris County Sheriff’s Office, Morris County Park Police Department, and the Randolph Police Department.

The opening of the testing facility is contingent on the receipt of necessary medical equipment, which is to be provided by the state. More specific details on the operation of the testing center will be made public in the coming days.

Meanwhile, it remains important to get your information on the COVID-19 pandemic from trusted sources and to avoid rumors and unsubstantiated online chatter. In Morris County click here.

For more information, visit the following:

Rep. Sherrill to Hold Coronavirus Telephone Town Hall Monday Night

Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill

PARSIPPANY — Representative Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) will hold a telephone town hall with residents of New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District to discuss coronavirus (COVID-19) on Monday, March 23, and answer questions. Representative Sherrill will be joined by medical providers and public officials, and she will give an update on what Congress is doing to address coronavirus in New Jersey.

“My team and I are laser-focused on helping residents of New Jersey’s 11th District, delivering resources to our healthcare workers, and finding ways to support small businesses and workers,” said Representative Sherrill. “Our town hall will be an opportunity to give an update on how Congress is responding to coronavirus, and for residents to ask questions directly to medical providers. In these difficult times, it’s critical we stay connected as a community, and I hope our residents join us on Monday night.”

WHAT:                  Telephone town hall with Representative Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11)

WHO:                    Representative Mikie Sherrill, Healthcare Providers, Public Officials

WHEN:                  Monday, March 23, 2020 at 8:15 p.m. EST

WHERE:                Constituents can join the call by dialing (855) 731-4613.

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