HANOVER — Hanover Township teamed up with the students of Allegro School to plant a Kwanzan cherry tree on school grounds, on Monday, April 29.
Frank Iannucci, School Principal, served as the master of ceremonies for the event, introducing Debby Lewinson, Allegro Executive Director, Maria Florio, Assistant Executive Director and Mayor Ron Francioli who talked about the environmental importance of trees. Hanover’s Forester/Arborist Rich Wolowicz followed Francioli, and spoke to students about the species of tree they would be planting, and what they could expect to see as it matures. Department of Public Works’ Superintendent Brian Foran, DPW staff members Pete Giordano and Brian DiPrimo, Green Team members Sal Iannaccone and Ann Kraynak, and Community Affairs/Public Policy Coordinator Robin Dente also participated from the municipal side. Allegro’s teachers and other professional staff attended as well to lend support to the program.

Allegro School, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides quality services to educate and support persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) as needed, throughout their lifespan. Among ALLEGRO’s diverse programs that aligned well with the project are a full service flower shop (The Enchanted Garden) and a greenhouse program.
These programs give students and adults with ASD hands-on experience with plants, flowers, and gardening. For their part of the April 29th event, students shared personal artwork and poems to celebrate Arbor Day, and helped to shovel the compost they made for the planting of the tree. The event offered a meaningful, engaging educational opportunity for the students to express their creativity, use their knowledge of horticulture, and experience the practical application of their compost product. “Our partnership demonstrates the combined efforts of the school and community to help bring real world experiences to our children and the curriculum, noted Principal Iannucci. Together, we are able to work collaboratively to give students an experience where their classroom lessons become meaningful and life-long lessons are learned.”
For more information about Allegro School click here or call (973) 267-8060.