Dear Editor,
On Tuesday, June 4 Republican Voters have a critical decision to make. Do we want to continue to support the incumbents who raise our taxes and support special interests who finance their campaigns or do we want candidates who will do what is right for the citizens of Parsippany and the County. Well I think most of us our tired of giving money to special interests which is why I am supporting The Future of Morris Team. Don Dinsmore, Will Felegi, and Cathy Winterfield for Morris County Freeholders.
The future of Morris Team will represent the people of Morris County. They will keep our taxes in line, maintain services, improve oversight which will lead to stimulating the economy. They will also do what is right for the Township of Parsippany.
For too long our Township has been ignored by the current Freeholder administration.
We provide more tax dollars to the county than any of the other municipalities and we are getting very little back in return. Please join me on Tuesday, June 4 to support the ticket of Donald Dinsmore, Will Felegi and Cathy Winterfield.
Eric Densmore