MORRIS COUNTY — On Thursday, May 23 Officer William Stone visited Mrs. Hirsch’s eighth period Advanced English class at Central Middle School to honor eighth grader Albin Mullan for his stellar spelling abilities.
Albin, champion speller of the 2019 CMS Spelling Bee, is on his way to the Scripps National Spelling Bee which will be held right outside of Washington, DC.
There are 565 contestants, but Albin is only one of five from New Jersey. As he presented Albin with a check from Parsippany PBA Local 131, Officer Stone said, “Albin, we want you to know that the entire Police Department supports you and is behind you 100%. We are very proud of the fact that you are representing not only Central Middle School, but the entire school district, the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills and the State of New Jersey.”
While he was there, Officer Stone also shared with the class the trading card program whereby students can obtain trading cards simply by amiably approaching police officers in town and introducing themselves. The program is designed to foster more comfortable, congenial relations between young people and law enforcement. Prizes will be awarded to those young people who have accumulated the most cards. For more information click here.
The Scripps National Spelling Bee competition starts on Monday, May 27 and will continue through Thursday, May 30. Tuesday and Wednesday’s onstage competition will be televised on ESPN 3 and Thursday’s final round will be televised on ESPN 2. Go, Albin, Go!!