MORRIS COUNTY — The County College of Morris (CCM) Board of Trustees welcomed two new members at its July board meeting.

Lauren Inganamort, of Chester, was appointed by the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders, and Emma Mendoza ‘20, of Boonton, was elected by the Class of 2020 as the Alumni Trustee.
Inganamort served most recently as Manager of Global Compliance at Tiffany & Co. in Parsippany, where she was responsible for the development, execution, and management of compliance programs and risk assessments. In 2012, she was presented with the company’s FACET (Finance Achievement for Commitment to Excellence) Award for exceptional dedication and service. In the area of public service, she serves as a trustee for the Educational Foundation of the Chesters and was a Founding Member of Dartmouth Humanitarian Engineering. She is the recipient of the President’s Volunteer Service Award for her work on behalf of military families whose loved ones were receiving treatment at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. She holds two bachelor’s degrees in engineering and a master’s degree in engineering management from Dartmouth College and is passionate about increasing the number of women in STEM fields.
Mendoza is a member of the Class of 2020 at CCM and was named to the 2020 Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) New Jersey All-State Academic Team members in recognition of her academic excellence, leadership, and community service.
At CCM, Mendoza served as president of the Student Government Association and as a member of both PTK and Alpha Mu Gamma honor societies. She also served on the leadership team for the Student Activities Programming Board, Alpha Mu Gamma, and as a student representative to CCM’s College Council. This fall, she will be studying linguistics with a concentration in language engineering at Montclair State University.
Continuing their service on the board are Thomas A. Pepe as chair; Jeffrey M. Advokat, Esq., as vice-chair; Paul R. Licitra as treasurer, Dr. Barbara Lorfink Hadzima as secretary; and members Dr. Angelica L. Allen-McMillan, Maria Aprile, George E. Dredden III, Jack N. Frost Jr., Esq., George J. Milonas ‘98 and Dr. Joseph S. Weisberg.