HANOVER — Robert Iannaccone, grandson of the late Hanover Township Mayor Saverio “Sal” Iannaccone’s grandson removes the plastic bag off the honorary new road sign at the corner of Independence Drive and Heritage Lane to reveal the name, “Sal’s Way.”
Iannaccone, of Heritage Lane, died on September 7. Family, friends, and Township officials, past and present came to the sign unveiling on a warm Saturday, November 7.

Former Mayor and friend Ronald Francioli told the attendees “Today we put politics aside.” Iannaccone sometimes had a rough and tumble relationship with the community. “Sal gave half of his life devoted to this town. Think about that. He spent 17 years as mayor and we’re very proud of that.”

Sal served on the Hanover Township Committee from 1964 to 1999. In his 55 years of service to the community, Sal served 17 years as Mayor of Hanover Township.

Iannaccone retired as an officer of the Westinghouse Elevator Division and a member of Saint Clare’s Hospital Board where he was President of their engineering division.
He is the recipient of numerous awards including the Cissy Laurey’s Award, Distinguished Service Award of Association for Retarded Citizens, and the Whippany River Watershed Action Committee of which he founded.
As Mayor, Sal championed numerous ARC Group Homes in Hanover and was a strong supporter of Employment Horizons who employed developmentally disabled persons, and Allegro School for autistic children. He was a member of the Elizabeth Anne Seaton Knights of Columbus and sang in as a parishioner in the choir of Notre Dame of Mount Carmel Church. Sal was an advocate for older and challenged citizens and a strong voice at the State.
As a member of the Hanover Township Committee, he served alongside Assemblyman Art Albohn, past Committeemen Michael Sawka, Peter Skurla, Anthony Radice, and Vince Donofrio and was succeeded as Mayor by Ronald Francioli, his longtime colleague. Sal was known to support strong growth and advancement for Hanover Township.
Sal served on the Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority, the Hanover Township Environmental Commission as well as a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, serving in WWII.