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HomeMorris PlainsMorris Plains Registration for the 2021 Spring Baseball and Softball season is...

Morris Plains Registration for the 2021 Spring Baseball and Softball season is now open



MORRIS PLAINS — Registration for the 2021 Spring Baseball and Softball season is open.

Baseball and Softball are a fun game as long as you play in a league with the correct speed and level of play. Simply put, it’s no fun if you are overmatched or not being challenged. With that in mind, MPLL offers a description of each of our levels of competition.  Please attempt to place your child in the level that best suits his or her skills. And please understand, unlike every other sport, baseball is based on age. Grade level should not be a consideration. In fact, many divisions will be comprised of three (some four) different grade levels.

Baseball Clinic
Ages: All 4s, 5s, some 6s
Description: Boys introduction to Baseball
Summary: This is a classic beginning league where kids are taught how to hold and swing the bat, field, throw and catch the ball properly. It is a skill-building level, where kids will go from station to station learning skills rather than playing games. There are no teams.  No requests will be considered by the Board to have your child skip the clinic level.

Base Cost: $110.00
Register before 02/14/2021
Open to children born between 09/01/2014 and 08/31/2017

Boys T-Ball
Ages: Mostly 6s, some 4’s, 5’s and 7’s
Description: classic T-Ball/coach-pitch recreation league
Summary: Emphasis will be on participation. The goal is to build basic skills and teach a basic understanding of the rules of the game. Kids will be placed on teams and play modified games for the first time, but scores will not be kept and outs will not be recorded. The emphasis will be on learning and having fun. Kids will hit off a Tee or off a coach; no one will ever strikeout. The goal is to have kids learn how to hit the ball and run to first while fielders begin to get an understanding of how to record an out. There is no kid pitching at this level. There is no tryout at this level.  As a general rule, if your child has played one year of Clinic, then register for T-Ball.

Base Cost: $110.00
Register before 02/14/2021
Open to children born between 09/01/2013 and 08/31/2017

Minor A Baseball
Ages: Mostly 7s, some 6s
Description of play: Developmental level for younger players.
Summary: This division will be all coach pitch, focus on learning all the positions and fundamentals of the game.
Base Cost: $175.00
Register before 02/14/2021
Open to children born between 09/01/2013 and 08/31/2015

Minor AA Baseball
Ages: Mostly 8s, some 7s
Description of play: Developmental level for younger players of higher ability, higher interest.
Summary: This division is being revamped into a modified kid-pitch league. It is considered an instructional league and scores will not be kept. There will be, however, a concerted effort to coach: players will learn to hit, field, and throw properly. The biggest emphasis will be on pitching and overcoming the anxiety of pitching to a batter and hitting off a kid pitcher. Both are big steps. Pitching distance to the plate (from 40-46 feet away) and a wide strike zone will encourage play, but these games will belong as kids often struggle to throw strikes at this age. But when they do, kids will strikeout. Learning to deal with that is another big step. The league is intended for kids with higher skill and higher interest level in the game. Kids need to try out to be approved to play in this league. It is mandatory to play one year in Minor A before being considered for Minor AA.

Base Cost: $175.00
Registration Closes 02/14/2021
Open to children born between 09/01/2012 and 08/31/2014

Minor AAA Baseball
Ages: Almost all 9s and 10s, some 11s
Description of play: Developmental, the first level of real competition
Summary: This is the first year of “real” baseball: All kid pitching, balls, and strikes, limited stealing, umpires, no coaches on the field.  The speed of play begins to pick up at this level so safety can become a concern: Balls can be pitched, hit, and thrown at a high rate of speed. It’s the first-year scores are kept, so competition will begin to surface.  Teams in this league will play against other towns. That being said, most kids will have their most fun in Little League at this level. It is often called the 50-50 league. Simply put, every kid will look like an all-star on one play but a beginner on the next. Developing and gaining consistency in skills is the main goal. Due to the great ranges in ages and ability, there is a chance for kids of all skill levels to enjoy the game. There is an evaluation (for placement purposes); any 8s wishing to play up must be based on the coach’s evaluation and subject to approval by the board.

Base Cost: $175.00
Registration Closes:  02/14/2021
Open to children born between 09/01/2009 and 08/31/2012

Majors Baseball
Ages: 11s, and 12s
Description of play: High level, highly competitive
Summary: Major is a big step up from AAA. Games are played quickly, often with overpowering pitchers featuring those who throw strikes and throw strikes hard. The days of walk-a-thons are gone. There will be a tryout at this level for 11s.  Any 10s wishing to play up must be based on coach evaluations and subject to approval by the board.

Note: Any 12-year old that wished to play in the AAA division is welcome, please contact the board to complete a Little League Waiver form

Base Cost: $175.00
Registration Closes: 02/14/2021
Open to children born between 09/01/2008 and 08/31/2010

MPLL 2021 – 50/70 Intermediate Division
50/70 Intermediate Division
Ages: 11s, 12s, and 13’s
Description of play: High level, competitive
Summary: This is a new division and a great transition from the Little League to High School fields.  There is a full leading and stealing and the same bat is used for Borough or into High school.  This division is open for all 11’s, 12’s, and 13’s.  If a boy is registered in the Majors division, they are also welcome to play 50/70 in addition as there should not be too many conflicts.  It will be a 10 game schedule with no playoffs.  If your son is interested in playing summer all-stars on a district 50/70 team, he must register and play in 6 of the 10 games in spring.

Base Cost: $175.00
Registration Closes: 02/14/2021

Open to children born between 09/01/2007 and 08/31/2010

Softball T-Ball
Ages: 4-6
Description:  T-Ball/coach-pitch recreation league geared to softball
Summary: Introductory level for softball combines clinic and T-Ball. Emphasis will be on participation. The goal is to build basic skills and teach a basic understanding of the rules of the game. Kids will be placed on teams and play modified games for the first time, but scores will not be kept and outs will not be recorded. The emphasis will be on learning and having fun. Kids will hit off a tee or off a coach; no one will ever strikeout. The goal is to have kids learn how to hit the ball and run to first while fielders began to get an understanding of how to record an out. There is no kid pitching at this level. There is no tryout at this level.  If your child participated in softball T-Ball last year AND is now in first grade, please register for AA softball.

Base Cost: $110.00
Registration Closes: 02/21/2021
Open to born between 01/01/2014 and 12/31/2016

AA “Minors” Division:
This division consists of 7 & 8-year-old girls who have already completed Softball T-Ball. The focus of AA is to teach the fundamentals of hitting, fielding & throwing.  All positions are to be fielded and the coaches will pitch.  In the second half of the season, it is strongly encouraged for 8-year-olds to start pitching to batters.

Base Cost: $175.00
Registration Closes: 02/21/2021
Open to children born between 01/01/2012 and 12/31/2013

AAA “Minors” Division:
This division generally consists of 8 – 11-year-old girls who have already completed 2 seasons of AA Softball. All 10 positions are to be fielded and the girls will pitch. The girls will learn how to bunt, steal and tag up.  Competitive games will be played against teams from Morris Plains and other towns.

Base Cost:$175.00
Registration Closes: 02/21/2021
Open to children born between 01/01/2009 and 12/31/2012

“Majors” Division:
This division consists of 10,11 & 12-year-old girls. Only 12-year-olds are guaranteed to play Majors Softball.  10-year-olds interested in playing up to Majors level should request it at registration.  All girls will participate in a preseason rating session to determine if their skill sets are appropriate for Majors’ play. Those players requiring more work on the fundamentals will be recommended to play an additional year of AAA.  Competitive games will be played against teams from Morris Plains and other towns.

Base Cost:$175.00
Registration Closes: 02/21/2021
Open to children born between 10/16/2007 and 12/31/2010

“Juniors” Division:
This division consists of 13 & 14-year-old girls.  All 10 positions are to be fielded and the girls will pitch from a distance of 43’. Competitive games will be played against teams from Morris Plains and other towns.  NOTE: MPLL Softball does not always field an individual team at this level but, depending on interest, will form a combined team with one or more towns.  Interested girls from Morris Plains at this level should register through the MPLL system.

Base Cost: $175.00
Registration Closes: 02/21/2021
Open to children born between 01/01/2006 and 12/31/2008

Click here for registration information.

If you have any questions regarding the Baseball program contact Player Agent: Kevin MacFee… or Baseball VP: Rob Davies…

Softball program questions – Player Agent: Chris D’Anna… or Softball VP: Jim Memory…

Morris Plains recreational sports organizations remain committed to protecting the health and safety of all participants, coaches, officials, and our broader community. Please click here for more information regarding COVID-19.


Frank Cahill
Frank Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since January 1, 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Governor-Elect NJ District Kiwanis International and Chairman of the Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.

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