MORRIS COUNTY — Morris County Prosecutor Robert Carroll, Morris County Sheriff James Gannon and Morris County Executive County Superintendent Dr. Nancy Gartenberg hosted a Signing Day and Law Day Symposium on January 20, 2023, at the Morris County Police Safety Academy. The event was intended for educational and law enforcement officials to review the Uniform State Memorandum of Agreement and to address issues on school safety and security.

Presenters included Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Juvenile and Homeland Security Units, Morris County Sheriff’s Office, New Jersey State Police, and New Jersey Department of Education School Preparedness and Emergency Planning Unit. The program brought together community stakeholders and opened up the dialogue about what is expected regarding school safety and security.
Matters such as school drills, campus mapping, threat assessments, reporting guidelines, Juvenile Justice Reform, mental health issues, and other topics were discussed. Prosecutor Carroll said, “Law enforcement and educational officials together reaffirm their commitment to the safety of our students and educators through preparedness and collaboration. For our schools to continue to serve as environments of learning and nurturing, first and foremost, they must be safe. I’m proud to say that the school administrators and law enforcement professionals in Morris County share this same goal.”