Wednesday, March 12, 2025
HomeDoverDover Files Lawsuit Against Richard Gonzalez Over Alleged Settlement Violations

Dover Files Lawsuit Against Richard Gonzalez Over Alleged Settlement Violations


DOVER — In 2015, former Dover Police Sergeant Richard “Rico” Gonzalez received a $175,000 settlement from the Town of Dover to resolve a federal employment lawsuit. As part of the settlement agreement, Gonzalez agreed not to make negative or derogatory statements about Dover, its current, past, or future employees or officials.

Despite prior warnings, Dover filed a motion to enforce the 2015 settlement in federal court, reviving the long-dormant case. Attorney Richard Flaum of the DiFrancesco Bateman law firm, who had previously represented Gonzalez, was included in the proceedings, though he reportedly stated that he no longer represented Gonzalez in 2024.

During a February 4, 2025 conference, the Magistrate Judge noted that given the age of the settlement, the matter likely fell outside of federal jurisdiction. The judge advised that if Dover believed Gonzalez had violated the settlement’s non-disparagement clause, it was free to pursue the matter as a breach of contract claim in state court. Following this guidance, Dover’s attorney, Jonathan Cohen, withdrew the federal motion and proceeded with the state court lawsuit the next day.

In the newly filed case, Dover is seeking an injunction to prevent future negative or derogatory statements by Gonzalez, as well as a return of the $175,000 settlement payment. The claim alleges that Gonzalez has repeatedly made negative comments on Dover Forum and other platforms, in violation of the terms of the 2015 settlement agreement.

Dover Focus reached out to Dover Police Chief Jonathan Delaney for comment, but he has not responded.

DOVER — En 2015, el exsargento de la Policía de Dover, Richard “Rico” Gonzalez, recibió un acuerdo de $175,000 del Municipio de Dover para resolver una demanda federal por empleo. Como parte del acuerdo, Gonzalez aceptó no hacer declaraciones negativas o despectivas sobre Dover, sus empleados o funcionarios actuales, pasados o futuros.

A pesar de múltiples advertencias previas, Dover presentó una moción en la corte federal para hacer cumplir el acuerdo de 2015, reactivando el caso, que había estado inactivo durante años. El abogado Richard Flaum, del bufete DiFrancesco Bateman, quien previamente representó a Gonzalez, fue incluido en el proceso, aunque, según informes, afirmó que ya no representaba a Gonzalez en 2024.

Durante una conferencia el 4 de febrero de 2025, la jueza magistrada señaló que, debido a la antigüedad del acuerdo, era probable que el caso quedara fuera de la jurisdicción federal. La jueza indicó que, si Dover consideraba que Gonzalez había violado la cláusula de no desprestigio del acuerdo, tenía la libertad de presentar una demanda por incumplimiento de contrato en la corte estatal. Siguiendo esta recomendación, el abogado de Dover, Jonathan Cohen, retiró la moción federal y presentó la demanda en la corte estatal al día siguiente.

En la nueva demanda, Dover busca una orden judicial para evitar futuras declaraciones negativas o despectivas por parte de Gonzalez, así como la devolución del pago del acuerdo de $175,000. La denuncia alega que Gonzalez ha realizado repetidamente comentarios negativos en Dover Forum y otras plataformas, incumpliendo los términos del acuerdo de conciliación de 2015.

Dover Focus se comunicó con el Jefe de Policía de Dover, Jonathan Delaney, para solicitar comentarios, pero hasta el momento no ha respondido.


Frank Cahill
Frank Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since January 1, 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Governor-Elect NJ District Kiwanis International and Chairman of the Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.

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