FLORHAM PARK — The Florham Park AARP Chapter 5109 will start the fall season at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, September 17 with a presentation on fall gardening.
The presentation will be given by Bill Moran, a master gardener, and sponsored through the Rutgers Speakers Bureau.
Everyone 51 years and older is invited to attend and enjoy interesting programs and good fellowship. Refreshments will be served between the business meeting and the program.
In keeping with the AARP motto “ To Serve Not to Be Served,” the chapter is continuing its Community Service Projects. From September 2018 through May 2019, 107 rolls of paper towels, 42 boxes of facial tissues, 204 rolls of bathroom tissue and 38 packages of paper napkins were tallied by Peter Nicolas and delivered to the Florham Park Food Pantry by Lynne and Jerry Kelly.
The club reported that $55 in collected small change has been sent to the Hurricane Relief Fund.
In addition, knitters are providing caps and scarves for those in need. Old eyeglasses are being collected for “New Eyes for the Needy” and can tabs are being collected for the Ronald Mcdonald House Charities.
Florham Park AARP Chapter 5109 officers are President: Joelyn Hoferer; Vice–President: John Sullivan; Treasurer – Janice Goffreda and Secretary – Mary Jane Zeien.