MORRIS COUNTY — Veterans who served in the National Guard are finally able to use the guard’s discharge form to obtain a county veterans ID card after legislation was signed by the governor.

Assemblyman Sean Kean and Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce sponsored the bill (S2538/A3455) making it easier for retired Guard members to access county military benefits. It passed the Assembly in June after passing the Senate in July 2018.
“It should be an easy process for these brave men and women to obtain a veterans identification card or the veterans designation on their license,” said Kean (R-Monmouth). “This law ensures veterans of the National Guard who have NGB-22 forms are eligible for the benefits they earned.”
According to the Department of Military and Veterans’ Affairs, there are more than 8,300 Army and Air guardsmen in New Jersey.
“New Jersey takes great pride in the programs and services available to our veterans,” said DeCroce (R-Morris). “Former members of the guard should be able to take advantage of them, too. This makes it easier for them to get the benefits they need.”