EAST HANOVER — At a recent Board of Education Superintendent meeting, East Hanover Police Chief Chris Cannizzo and Superintendent of Schools and Board members keep their distance by standing eight feet apart. #Outside Social Distancing

EAST HANOVER — At a recent Board of Education Superintendent meeting, East Hanover Police Chief Chris Cannizzo and Superintendent of Schools and Board members keep their distance by standing eight feet apart. #Outside Social Distancing
Morris Focus was founded in 2017 and is published in print and online formats. Its mission is to provide timely and accurate news coverage to Morris County residents and promote community engagement and involvement. The newspaper covers various topics, including local government, education, business, and sports. We can be reached by calling (973) 559-6000—a member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce and the Morris County Chamber of Commerce.
Contact us: news@morrisfocus.com
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