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HomeMadisonMayor Conley’s Update May 5, 2020

Mayor Conley’s Update May 5, 2020



MADISON — The most recent reporting from the State shows nearly 130,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Jersey; 5,600 are in Morris County, including 121 cases in Madison.

First, I want to share the great news that through the generosity of Madison residents and friends, the Main Street Foundation’s $50,000 challenge grant has been met and we now have $117,000 for the Madison Small Business Grant Program. This money will go directly to the Madison businesses that we all love and look forward to returning when the time comes to reopen. Many applications have been received and in order to support the greatest number of businesses, donations are still being accepted. Please go to the I Love Madison Facebook page for the link to the GoFundMe site. Related to bringing back our downtown, I am hosting a Business Creativity Zoom Conference tomorrow night.

Madison business leaders will be sharing outside the box ideas for revitalizing our business district. Results and initiatives coming out of this meeting will be shared in the coming weeks including at Monday’s virtual Council meeting.

As you are probably aware, most state and county parks have reopened for passive recreation. There was an issue this weekend with the Woodland Road gate to the Loantaka Park paths not being open. This was an oversight on the county’s part and the paths are now open. Remember to practice social distancing, wearing a mask if it’s busy and going somewhere else if it’s too crowded or parking is full. Governor Murphy has stated that the parks will stay open as long as there is no knucklehead behavior. Don’t be a knucklehead, maintain at least a Mayor Bob distance (AKA six feet).

May is here and while the weather has been cool, many of us have begun thinking about the summer and our great Madison Municipal Pool. We expect guidance on the opening of pools from the Governor’s office this week. If pools are deemed safe to be open, we will be working closely with the Madison Community Pool Board and staff to ensure that they are able to operate this summer in a manner that meets guidelines and will keep all families safe. Don’t forget to check for updates on on a regular basis. Thank you for your time, take care of yourself, your loved ones, and others through social distancing and personal protection measures. Be Home, Be well.


Frank Cahill
Frank Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since January 1, 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Governor-Elect NJ District Kiwanis International and Chairman of the Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.

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