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HomeMorris CountyMorris County Meal Services/Food Pantries

Morris County Meal Services/Food Pantries



MORRIS COUNTY — If you are in need of food during difficult times, use this list of available food services to get the resources you need. Making sure our neighbors in need have food and resources are and always will be our first priority. In light of recent circumstances, we will be taking certain measures to protect them.

Morris County Interfaith Food Pantry 2 Executive Drive 973-538-8049 ext. 12
Boonton Town of Boonton Food Pantry 100 Washington St. 973-402-9410 ext. 634 Lucille
Boonton Evangel Church of God 218 Cornelia St. 973-263-1787
Boonton Loaves and Fishes/First Presbyterian 513 Birch Street 862-222-3006
Boonton Boonton First Reformed 236 Washington St. 973-334-0317
Boonton WIC Clinic/Boonton 100 Washington St. 800-427-3244
Budd Lake Abiding Peace Lutheran Church 305-311 Rt. 46 973-691-9393
Butler Butler United Methodist Church 5 Bartholdi Ave. 973-838-2026
Butler St. Anthony’s Church 65 Bartholdi Ave. 973-838-0031
Chester Chester Food Pantry 100 North Road 973-879-2548
Denville Denville Township Food Pantry 1 St. Mary’s Place, 2nd Floor 973-625-8300   ext. 269
Denville St. Clare’s Meals on Wheels 25 Pocono Rd. 973-625-6010
Dover First Memorial Presbyterian Church 51 West Blackwell St. 1st Floor 973-366-0216
Dover First United Methodist Church of Dover 41 E. Blackwell St. 973-366-1804
Dover Grace United Methodist Church 98 N. Sussex St. 973-366-3681
Dover Butler United Methodist Church 19-21 Belmont Ave. 973-361-5565
Dover Saint John’s Episcopal Church 11 South Bergen Street 973-366-2772
Dover Salvation Army/Dover 76 North Bergen St. 973-366-0764, 973-366-0875
Dover Trinity Lutheran Church 123 East Blackwell St. 973-366-2821
Dover WIC Clinic/Dover Dover Head Start, 18 Thompson St. 800-427-3244
Flanders St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish 61 Main St. 973-927-1629
Florham Park Holy Family Church Lloyd Ave 973-377-7190
Hackettstown Drakestown United Methodist Church 6 Church Road 908-852-4460 908-319-4734
Lake Hiawatha Parsippany Food Pantry 1130 Knoll Road 973-263-7351
Lake Hopatcong Hurdtown United Methodist Church Rt. 15 S 973-663-1216 church; 973-663-1663 Pastor’s study
Lake Hopatcong Star of the Sea Roman Catholic Church 204 Espanong Rd. 973-663-0211
Landing United Methodist Church of Port Morris 546 Main St. 973-347-0381
Lincoln Park Lincoln Park Borough 34 Chapel Hill Road 973-694-6100
Long Valley Long Valley Presbyterian Church 39 Bartley Road 908-876-3471
Madison Madison Meals on Wheels 10 Maple Avenue 973-593-3095
Mine Hill Mine Hill Township 10 Baker Street 973-366-9031, ext. 62
Montville Montville Kiwanis Food Pantry 91 Passaic Valley Road 973-216-7649
Morris Plains Interfaith Food Pantry 2 Executive Drive 973-538-8049 ext. 12
Morristown Barbara Hendrickson Smith Food Pantry American Legion Post, 78 Abbett Avenue 973-455-9802
Morristown Interfaith Food Pantry 190 Speedwell Avenue 973-538-8049
Morristown Market Street Mission 9 Market Street 973-538-0431
Morristown Morris County Office of Temporary Assistance 340 West Hanover Avenue 973-326-7800; 877-589-2556
Morristown Morristown Meals on Wheels 29 Elm Street 973-538-2160 ext. 211
Morristown Nourish NJ Redeemer Church, 36 South Street 973-267-0709
Morristown Salvation Army/Morristown 95 Spring Street 973-539-2700
Morristown Table of Hope-Bethel Church 59 Spring Street Wyetta: 973-267-8912
Morristown WIC Clinic/Morristown Church of God in Christ, 3 Rowe Street 800-427-3244
Netcong Borough of Netcong Borough Hall, 23 Maple Avenue 973-214-5338
Netcong St. Michaels
Netcong United Methodist Church of Stanhope #2 Route 183 973-347-0247
Oak Ridge Milton United Methodist Church 316 Dover-Milton Rd. 973-697-3194 church; 973-697-7534 parsonage
Parsippany Parsippany Christian Church 205 Vail Rd. 973-335-6387
Parsippany St. Peter’s Food Pantry 179 Baldwin Road 973-334-2090
Parsippany Liquid Church 973-879-8655
Pompton Plains First Reformed Church of Pequannock 529 Newark-Pompton Tpk. 973-835-1144
Randolph Bethlehem Church 758 Route 10 973-366-3434
Rockaway Rockaway Food Closet First Presbyterian Church 35 Church Street 973-627-1059
Succasunna Roxbury Township of 72 Eyland Ave. 973-448-2026
Union Salvation Army Butler/Chatham/Chester 4 Gary Road 201-507-5620
Wharton Wharton United Community Church at St. John’s 20 Church 973-366-8140
Wharton/Dover St. Mary’s Parish 425 W. Blackwell St. 973-366-0184
Whippany First Presbyterian Church of Whippany 494 Rt. 10 973-887-2197
ALL Morris County Nutrition Project (for those over 60 years old) PO Box 900
Morristown, NJ 07960
ALL Nourish NJ 36 South Street
Morristown, NJ 07960
Use their website:


Frank Cahill
Frank Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since January 1, 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Governor-Elect NJ District Kiwanis International and Chairman of the Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.

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