HANOVER TOWNSHIP — The section of the Whippany River bordering Central Park in Hanover Township and surrounding areas are significantly cleaner following a November 5 community service project that saw the municipality, Barclays, the Whippany River Watershed Action Committee, and Hanover’s Green Team work together to remove 2.12 tons of debris from the water and nearby land. The Chiefs from the Township’s two fire districts and members from their respective departments were also present to give a safety briefing during the kickoff and lend support throughout the event.
Working for an hour and a half, sixty Barclays’ employees accessed the river by boat and walked the banks, paths, wooded areas, and roadways bordering the park to remove litter. The plastic bottles, cardboard, wrappers, and tires they collected came as no surprise. However, other items were not expected and intrigued the volunteers. These included a plastic bucket, a doll, a boat, an automobile fender, a two-foot Easter egg, and a rusting metal safe.
The land and water teams were led and assisted by members of the Township’s Department of Public Works (DPW) who had previously cleared areas for safe boat and pedestrian access to areas of litter within and around the river. Len Cipkins, Chairman of the Whippany River Watershed Action Committee (WRWAC), lauded the DPW’s prep work and the role of all the participants. “It takes a team effort to successfully conduct a river cleanup,” stated Cipkins. “Our team included Barclays’ enthusiastic employees, Hanover’s skilled DPW employees in coordination with Fire and Safety departments positioned in strategic locations to deal with any potential issues.”
During the kickoff Cipkins, Green Team member Dennis Fashano, and Mayor Ron Francioli thanked Barclays. “Hanover is proud of the work we’ve done in the past to eliminate pollution in the Whippany River,” noted Francioli. “We’re grateful to our community-minded businesses like Barclays and our civic groups for helping us keep the river healthy and the ecosystem it supports, thriving.”
In addition to the project’s aesthetic and environmental benefits, the collaboration will provide stormwater management points Hanover is mandated by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection to achieve within a calendar year and credits toward the Township’s “Sustainable Jersey” certification. “It’s a win/win for us,” Francioli commented, “and a perfect example of what we can get done when we partner with our community.”

If your business or non-profit is interested in exploring a community service project with Hanover Township, and/or would like information on how to contact the Whippany River Watershed Action Committee, please email Robin Dente, Hanover Township Community Affairs/Public Policy Coordinator at Rdente@hanovertownship.com.