MORRIS COUNTY — Frank Cahill, Lt. Governor of the New Jersey Kiwanis Division 9, had the privilege of officiating the installation of new officers for the Morris County Aktion Club. The installation ceremony occurred during a dinner at the Randolph Diner, with approximately forty guests.

The newly appointed officers for the club are as follows: Patti Licht as President, Stephen Somich as President-Elect, Lisa Markey as Secretary, and Michael Longendyck as Treasurer. Following her installation, President Patti Licht had the opportunity to address the club members and guests, sharing her thoughts and vision for the future.

The Aktion Club is a remarkable organization, being the only service club for adults with disabilities and boasting a membership of over 10,000 individuals worldwide. Through the Aktion Club, members develop their leadership skills, compassion, and capability by engaging in meaningful service activities. It provides a platform for individuals to contribute to their communities and make a positive impact.
Installing new officers signifies a new chapter for the Morris County Aktion Club, as these dedicated individuals step up to lead and serve their community.

When people discover their desire to serve, they decide that serving others isn’t just something they do—it’s their way of life. Aktion Club can provide opportunities for members to discover their desire to serve. The service-club experience helps people of all ages accept their ability to make a difference, enhance their knowledge of their passions and convictions, and develop empathy with those in need in their communities.
For more information on the Aktion Club of Morris County, contact Frank Cahill at (862) 213-2200.