MORRIS COUNTY — The Assembly advanced legislation to improve school bus safety by requiring school district transportation supervisors to complete a training program. Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco sponsored the bill (A2436) following a rash of school bus crashes, including a fatal wreck involving a Paramus school district bus.
Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco
“Creating a culture of school-bus safety begins with supervisors at the top,” said Bucco (R-Morris). “Recent accidents raise serious concerns about the supervision of the drivers entrusted with the lives of our children. Well-trained managers will ensure their drivers are dedicated to obeying the rules and protecting their young passengers.”
New hires and those with less than 11 years’ experience are required to complete the 138-hour Rutgers transportation rules and best practices course.
The Assembly passed Bucco’s bill in June, and voted today to adopt Senate amendments that set deadlines for course completion. The legislation now goes to the governor for his consideration.