HANOVER TOWNSHIP — On Friday, October 18, Bayer employee volunteers beautified the Hanover Township Municipal campus and Veterans Memorial Park by planting 350 chrysanthemums donated to the municipality by Bayer. Starting at 9:00 a.m. the fifty volunteers divided up into five teams and, guided by the Township’s Department of Public Works staff, created a vibrantly colorful municipal landscape.
The project encompassed planting and mulching around the Township sign facing Route 10 and at the entrances to Town Hall, the Whippanong Library, the Multi-Purpose Community Center, the Police Department, and in front of the monuments at Veterans Memorial Park. During the event, Mayor Ron Francioli thanked Bayer on behalf of the Township Committee for selecting this project, which was one of many the company undertook across the country as part of their National Community Service Day.

If your business or organization is interested in partnering with Hanover Township on a community service project, please contact Robin Dente, Community Affairs/Public Policy Coordinator at rdente@hanovertownship.com.